02 October 2006

Idiot Returns

A few weeks ago I posted a message. Regarding a client. This client was seeking $25M dollars. His ad was punctuated in an odd manner. He used many periods. Where they were not. Necessary. Here is. The original post.

Now there's more. Today, I got another email from Mr. Alfred Lawrence Patterson. This time he has a new name, but the grammar and over use of punctuation are as maddening and demented as ever before. You have to give him credit for the catch-all name of all names...

October 2, 2006

Dear Mr. ...:

Would you tell me the cost of the advertisement below. Under Financial Services. For one time and three times. For Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurday Nationally. And last if possible, would you reply with a copy of the way the advertisement will appear. I will send a Cashiers Check for the advertisement cost. Reply to: jesus_b_i_a_muhammed@yahoo.com Thank you.


Jesus Bilal Islam Allah Muhammed


Republic Investments is a Small Business Investment Company. Regulated by the United States Small Business Administration. Is seeking $25 Million and plus Investments in Businesses. 5% Fee of Investment Amount at the Closing. Required information of Clients: Information on the current Business Operations and Finances. Information on the Allocation of the Investment Amount. Information on the Collateral to be used for the Investment Amount. And Information on the Repayment of the Investment Amount. Send the Information to Republic Investments, 6131 Oakman Boulevard, Dearborn, Michigan 48126-2327. Will peruse all Applicants Business Information. Thank you for considering Republic Investments for your Financial Services.

I'm going to string him along for awhile this time, just need to think of how.

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