06 April 2007

Holy Free Computers!

At 11:48 this morning I posted the following to CraigsList.com:

And thine lord says unto thee, "Take thee thine computer upon the land, and give it to thine neighbor, or thine poor college student, for it is FREE."

Thine Pentium 3 hath a divine CD burner (that shalt not be used for pirating of thine musical whimsy), DVD player (which can playeth thine movies) and just enough RAM to process thine older games and accounting software.

At the beginning, when thine desktop was king, the Pentium 3 was your lord and master. But lo how the times have changed and the systems have become faster. Lo how the screens have become thinner and the storage -however small- is more grand. Too many miracles have occured for thus to be worth money, and so it is said that the desktop will be given away, unto thee, for FREE.

To gather thine FREE Pentium 3, thee must drive thine self to the holiest of holy lands in the North. Thine must make a pilgrimage to Lewisville. Oh yes, thine must travel long and far to collect thine gifts of computer, monitor, keyboard and speakers. And after such a time as thee hath collected such things, thee shalt have thine self a desktop. And, thine shalt have such desktop, for FREE.

I went pee, came back to my desk and had 15 responses via email. So far, (as of 12:48pm) I have recieved... let me count again... 42 total responses. That's a magic number! I need to stop this thing I guess.

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