07 February 2006

Another great email...

I wrote an email to Rock Gal acting like I was telling someone else about the great weekend I had and how I had spent it with Rock Gal; this was her response. Apparently, I'm still doing something right...

That's weird, cause I had a similarly incredible experience this weekend too. My boyfriend is letting me in on more and more amazing parts of his life, and I'm just getting more and more interested in him. Every time I feel like I'm starting to figure him out, he introduces me to yet another thing that moves him, excites him, makes him the amazing man that he is. It makes me comfortable enough that I feel like I can let him in on the funky, weird things that make me tick too.

He makes me want to try new things too. Not that anything was ever holding me back before. But it's like my whole life, I've had these three roads in my life: climbing, engineering, and dance. And there wasn't much room for much else. Sometimes I'd walk only on one road, sometimes I'd jump between em, sometimes it's like they were parallel, and I'd have all three in my life at once. It was a choice. And though those three are still a large part of how I make my choices, I feel like there's room for more now. Maybe this doesn't make much sense to read. I'm just starting to realize it in my life, so I don't really understand it yet myself. But I think it's pretty cool, whatever's happening. I'm not changing into a different person, and it's not that he's doing this; it's just that since he's come into my life, I feel like I'm more me, that I can do more.

I can only hope that this is mutual, or that I can figure out a way to make it so. Cause he's absolutely amazing (I'm sure he'll tire of hearing me say so, cause I say it so often when I just can't hold it inside anymore), and I want nothing more than for him to be the happiest he can be. Cause I feel like the luckiest woman in the world because he's in my life.

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