A real pain in the...
This stupid thing is starting to hurt but only because the swelling has gone down and the splint is digging into the sides of my ankle. It's a real bitch, to say the least, and it does not tickle.I'm having trouble sleeping, having trouble sitting still at work and having trouble deciding how to correct the issue. I might take this thing off of it tonight and try to move the padding so it isn't digging in so bad.
My toes are getting raw as well from being swollen and mashed together for a few weeks. Folks, this just isn't a lot of fun. Oh well, comes with the territy and, as I now enjoy saying... Its just one of those things.
2 Your Opinion:
Two things -
1. You have a typo in your last sentence...yes. I am anal and darn proud of it!
2. You may want to try Febreze-ing your leg...just a thought.
I'd prefer to go into the doctor's office with my leg smelling like 2 week old sweat.
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