19 July 2007

Regardless of your location, work stinks.

Here's an email string between myself and my billing/credit rep in India.

My client received a “Payment Shortage” in the mail for $369.08. He’s been paying for advertising by check, in full, so I’m not certain why he received it. Could you check into it and let me know? Thank you, and have a great day.

Hi Greg,
Sorry for the delay as was on vacation.
The original invoice# 24614064 was for $3,204.93. We had received payments only for $2,835.85, which left them a Short Payment of $369.08.
We received payment for $348.19, which again left them a Short Payment of $20.89.

Thank you, I’ll talk with my client today. I hope you had a nice vacation!

Vacation was nice!! But coming back to work is terrible.
I guess even you might have have gone through this.

Unfortunately, I can share in your pain. I think work stinks regardless of where you are in the world.

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